Last 2 weeks ago, I bid for a Nokia N92 cellphone from Ebay. I won. Then Ebay sent their notification to the seller. The seller then notified me that I have to pay USD220 (which was the agreed price for the phone) through Western Union. I thought that it will be safe since Ebay had 30 positive feedbacks from this seller and he used the same e-mail. So without hesitation I transfered the money to the seller named Licsandru Gheorghe who is a Romanian. But I was shocked the day after when I received an e-mail notification that my bid was suspended and that they said that it was illegal to have transaction outside Ebay. God! It was tragic. So it means that Ebay has no assurance on what happened and they was saying they will suspend or even debunked the sellers membership from Ebay. In short what I was dealing with was a mere fraud. USD220 is very hard to proccur these days. Now I'm contacting the seller and it seems he's not answering my calls or even e-mails.
I learned my lesson well. Everything has no shortut. One has to be patient. It wanted to obtain a cellphone for a cheap price. I didn't hesitated with what I'd done. And second don't believe in any transactions if you don't have any assurance that your product will be send to you. I'm so stupid and foolish. I reprimanded Ebay that they should place a warning sign in their e-mail notification (with big letters) that if the seller offered any transaction outside Ebay, it's a fraud. Lastly, for this guy, I hope that lord God shines upon you and make you realize what a naugthy person you had been. If the transaction is true and do my cellphone arrives in delayed time, I take back my words. However I will not engage in this Ebay thing, even Ebay can't give you protection...